
Showing posts with the label Healthy heart

Obesity Management and Fitness Formula

Obesity is a disease in disguise. More than one billion people world wide suffering from obesity. Main reasons for obesity are congetial, over eating, sedentary lifestyle. Obesity can be reasons for heart problem, diabetes and many more.                            Steps to manage obesity  1   Balanced diet   Eating fruits ,salads, lentils and whole grain Avoiding.  sugar, cold drink, Highly salted food, and fast food 2  Regular Excercise One of the best way  is Excercise at least 45 minutes daily.  It increases metabolism. Stay Hydrated Drinking 3-4 litres of water daily. Drink boiled water to remove belly fat. Drinking enough water reduces fats. Mindful eating Eat only when you feel hungry. Don't eat while watching TV. If you still want to eat. Only eat low calorie food. Salads cucumber etc. Don't eat after 7 PM. ...

Healthy Heart

Heart  A comprehensive guide. Heart is an organ which pumps blood regularly.   It helps to supply oxygen and nutrients to each cell of body. Healthy heart is very important for healthy life. Unhealthy life style and aging leads to heart disease.    Coronary heart Disease (CAD) when blood carrying arteries to the heart itself become narrow.  This leads to low blood supply to heart. Hypertension(high blood pressure) Regular high blood pressure causes many problems.                             Heart Failure (non  functional) When heart is not able to pump blood to body creates fatigue, breathlessness. Arrhythmia ( Irregular heart beat) irregular heart beat upsets rhythm of heart.  Valvular heart disease  Congenital problem of non functional of Valve of heart or valve impairment causes improper working of heart. Main reasons of heart problems...