
Showing posts with the label What is Zika Virus

What is Zika Virus Transmission ?

( image credit to Tim Marshall on  unsplash) When was Zika Virus discovered? Zika Virus was first time discovered in 1947. Why Zika name given to this virus? Because it was first discovered in Zika forest in Uganda. When was first Zika Virus Infection found in human? First time in 1952 zica virus infection detected in human. Who are most prone to Zika Virus infection? Pregnant women and children are more vulnerable to Zika. What is treatment of Zika Virus? There is no specific treatment of Zika Virus. Symptomatic treatment like antipyretic medicine, Fluid and iv solutions are common to treat Zika. Is there any vaccine for the treatment of Zika? Zika Virus vaccine is under trial  soon it will be available in the market . What is reason for Zika Virus Transmission ? Ades mosquito is mode of transmission for Zika Virus. Do people develop symptoms of Zika Virus? Most people don't develope any symptom but  in some people Zika Virus shows symptoms of fever, rashes, ...